Executive Viewpoint Interview CRD and John Schmidt
/in News/by sandraCDR Magazine recently boarded the CSS Asterix to interview the President and CEO of Federal Fleet Services, John Schmidt. The conversation focused on the leasing of the Asterix and why the provision of service model has worked for the Royal Canadian Navy.
Here is that conversation: http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/85f9bc6f#/85f9bc6f/59
3 Canadian naval ships to patrol Taiwan Strait
/in News/by sandraHalifax-class frigates Ottawa and Vancouver reportedly take part in exercises in Taiwan Strait
The Royal Canadian Navy vessels, including the Halifax-class frigates HMCS Ottawa and HMCS Vancouver, and the supply ship Asterix departed the west coast of Canada in mid-August and arrived at Japan’s Yokosuka port on Monday (Aug. 28), reported Nikkei Asia. The ships will stay at the port, which is the headquarters for the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force, until Friday (Sept. 1) to replenish fuel, enable officers and crew to rest, and bolster relations with Japan.
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Federal Fleet Services and Davie partner with Current Scientific Corporation to enhance Royal Canadian Navy’s maritime surveillance capabilities with advanced EO/IR system.
/in News/by sandraFederal Fleet Services offers unrivalled technology to his client!
This partnership between Federal Fleet Services, Davie and CURRENT will enable the Canadian Navy to test advanced Canadian technology and will showcase Canada’s technological expertise for the world to see. We are convinced this partnership will benefit our crew members and help advance Canada’s operational objectives,” said John Schmidt, President and CEO of Federal Fleet Services.
See Full Article: https://bit.ly/3L18uUN
NiDAR Command and Control (C2) and Counter Uncrewed Aerial System (CUAS) system acquired by Federal Fleet Services for installation on Canadian Combat
/in News/by sandraMARSS and Federal Fleet Services today announced that during Q3 2023, the full NiDAR integrated Hybrid Intelligence surveillance, C2 and CUAS suite will be installed on Asterix, a Combat Support Ship operated for the Royal Canadian Navy by Federal Fleet Services.
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Canada wraps up multi-national military exercise off Vancouver Island
/in News/by sandraMore than 1,000 military members took part, including forces from the United States, Japan and other NATO partners.
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After one month, Operation Trident Fury comes to a close – Victoria Times Colonist

Asterix Shows Its Mettle in Another Successful Circumnavigation
/in News/by sandraCombat Support Ship (CSS) Asterix today arrived in Victoria, British Columbia following a highly successful circumnavigation departing from Halifax, Nova Scotia in January 2023
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Canada to host multi-national military exercise off Vancouver Island in June
/in News/by sandraAsterix to Engage in Military Training Exercise off the Shores of Southern Vancouver
MV Asterix, a Combat Support Ship, is scheduled to engage in training exercises off the shores of southern Vancouver Island in June 2023. During this time, Canada will be hosting multi-national military exercises, resulting in an increased display of military activity in the area. Prepare to witness the presence of ships, aircraft, and armed personnel as part of these exercises.